Found Frames, 2022
50 x 70 cm and 62,5 x 87,5 cm
Found Frames (2022)
Kebabkunst was an exhibition at a local recycling facility in Bergen. Next to the facility they have a room where you can deliver fully functional items, and then people can pick them up for free.
The exhibition was currated by Imad Alwahibi. His idea was to have an exhibition there, by inviting people to the opening, and then donating our work so it could be picked up for free, but without telling the people who worked there what we did. That way they would be co-curators, as they are free to refuse items. The art also blended in with the other items, as it was not labeled in any way.
I contributed with two photographs, framed in frames I’d found at the facility. The photographs themselves are close crops of discarded negatives with light leaks.